~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Motivation Quote~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~Sometimes it takes a lot of rain before you get your rainbow!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just FOcus On The Key Topics That You Know And Ignore What You Don't!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The glory is not in never failing but in rising again everytime you fall!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YOU MAKE THE FAILURE COMPLETE WHEN YOU STOP TRYING!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monday, November 15, 2004

Preparing for you examination - advice from ACCA


By the time you receive this e-mail you are probably already busy revising for the exams in December. However, the advice below may help you with your exam preparation.

  1. Don't forget to visit www.accaglobal.com/publications/studentaccountant for technical articles, exam notes and examiners feedback.
  2. Practise your exam technique and check out past exam papers and model answers at www.accaglobal.com/students/professionalscheme
  3. Don't leave your revision until the night before the exam. If you have planned your revision properly you should be able to take things easy the night before the exam.Make sure you have everything you need ready for your exam the following day and get a good nights sleep.
  4. Make sure your details are correct on your exam docket (contact ACCA Connect if not) and remember to take your exam docket with you to the exam centre.
  5. Don't forget to take your student registration card to the exam centre too.
  6. Ensure you know your way to the exam centre before the day of the exam and allow yourself plenty of time for the journey - aim to arrive 15 minutes earlier than you need to.
  7. When in the exam, read each question carefully and make sure you answer the question asked and NOT the question you were hoping to be asked!
  8. Plan your answers and allocate time according to the number of marks for each question.
  9. Show all your workings and calculations.
  10. Remain calm and think positively.

We wish you all the best with your exams.
ACCA Student Services


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