~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Motivation Quote~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~Sometimes it takes a lot of rain before you get your rainbow!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just FOcus On The Key Topics That You Know And Ignore What You Don't!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The glory is not in never failing but in rising again everytime you fall!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YOU MAKE THE FAILURE COMPLETE WHEN YOU STOP TRYING!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Resit for core paper... attention.... please see lecture at the following time

please help to spread the following news:
paper 3.6 Advanced corporate reporting
Miss Chin Yoke Fong
Please see miss Chin on
20 May (tomorrow)

the venue should be at her room.

paper 3.7 Strategic Financial Management
Mr Tho
general guidance would be given by mr tho on topic to study.
date 24 May (tuesday)
9 am

paper 3.3 Performance Management
Miss Karen
please see miss Karen on the following date
date 24 May (tuesday)
11 am
vunue miss Karen's room. (the room with her name on the door)

paper 3.5 strategic business palaning and development
Ms Ng
most likely ms ng would not give any guidance on the following resit.
but it would be advisible for you to refer to her notes.
anyway, you could try your luck to see her in the college to see whether she would be willing to give any guidance if her mood is good.

all the best..
hope to see you during the convocation


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