~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Motivation Quote~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~Sometimes it takes a lot of rain before you get your rainbow!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just FOcus On The Key Topics That You Know And Ignore What You Don't!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The glory is not in never failing but in rising again everytime you fall!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YOU MAKE THE FAILURE COMPLETE WHEN YOU STOP TRYING!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Friday, June 17, 2005

job search skills

found this page online hope that it would help for you all fresh grad. to look for job.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Cover letters: types and samples

The guidelines here apply to both hard copy correspondence and email.
The main difference between email and hard copy correspondence is format:
your signature block (address, etc.) goes below your name in email, while it goes at the top of the page on hard copy. Of course you won't have a handwritten signature on email, but don't forget this on hard copy.
E-mail in your job search
Use e-mail in your job search when an employer specifically invites or instructs you to do so (on a web site, in verbal conversation, etc.); or let the employer initiate e-mail contact.

Include your e-mail address on your resume and on the address block of your hard-copy letters so employers can initiate e-mail contact with you.

The same rules of hard copy correspondence apply to business e-mail. See guidelines for correspondence in your job search.

An obvious advantage of e-mail is that you can correspond much more quickly and don't need to be concerned with paper quality, envelopes, and postage, as you would with hard copy correspondence.

The speed and convenience of e-mail is an advantage to busy employers as well. The degree to which e-mail is used will depend on the types of employers with whom you are dealing.

Be aware that e-mail is a form of written communication and it creates a written record. Retain copies of the e-mail you send and receive. Don't let the speed and ease of sending e-mail blind you to the fact that you will be judged on what you say and how you say it. E-mail, like other written correspondence, doesn't reveal your tone of voice. Choose your words carefully.

All cover letters should:
Explain why you are sending a resume.
Don't send a resume without a cover letter.
Don't make the reader guess what you are asking for; be specific:
Do you want a summer internship opportunity, or a permanent position at graduation; are you inquiring about future employment possibilities?

Tell specifically how you learned about the position or the organization —
a flyer posted in your department, a web site, a family friend who works at the organization. It is appropriate to mention the name of someone who suggested that you write.

Convince the reader to look at your resume;
the cover letter will be seen first. Therefore, it must be very well written and targeted to that employer.

Call attention to elements of your background —
education, leadership, experience — that are relevant to a position you are seeking. Be as specific as possible, using examples.

Reflect your attitude, personality, motivation, enthusiasm, and communication skills.

Provide or refer to any information specifically requested in a job advertisement that might not be covered in your resume, such as availability date, or reference to an attached writing sample.

Indicate what you will do to follow-up.
In a letter of application —
applying for an advertised opening — applicants often say something like "I look forward to hearing from you." However, it is better to take the initiative to follow-up, saying something like, "I will contact you in the next two weeks to see if you require any additional information regarding my qualifications."

In a letter of inquiry —
asking about the possibility of an opening — don't assume the employer will contact you. You should say something like, "I will contact you in two weeks to learn more about upcoming employment opportunities with (name of organization)." Then mark your calendar to make the call.

for example of cover letter please refer to the following site

Cover Letter Format Guidelines

Friday, June 10, 2005


the following are tax concepts/principles/technical terms that you have to know for paper 3.2 (mys)
by mr chong (tar)
especially for those who are resitting tax paper.

  • Accrual basis / Receivable basis (of taxing income)
  • Acceptable ratio certificate method
  • Anti-avoidance provisions / DGIR's power to disregard or vary transactions
  • Arm's length principle / transaction at arm's length price

  • Badges of trade
  • Basic period / Basis year

  • Capital expense / Capital receipts
  • Current year basis
  • Compared aggregate
  • Compared total
  • Connected persons
  • Contract payment
  • Controiled sale / controlled transfer

  • Derived from Malaysia
  • Disposer's final period
  • Disposal price deemed equal to acquisition prize.
  • Divisible income
  • Distributable income
  • Double deduction of expenses
  • Dual -purpose expense

  • Excluded expenditure
  • Exempt income account

  • Field audit
  • Foreign source (of income)
  • Four heads of charity (based on the British Common Law)
  • Further source

  • Immediate family
  • In the ordinary / normal course of business
  • Incurred
  • Initial expenditure
  • Initial repair
  • Interest in suspense account
  • Isolated transaction

  • Market value
  • Management & control are exercised in Malaysia in the basis year for a year of assessment
  • Means Test (for tax investigation)

  • 'No gains no loss' treatment

  • Ordinary source
  • Offshore business activity
  • Offshore trading activity
  • Offshore non-trading activity

  • Permanent establishment (of a non-resident person) in Malaysia
  • Permanent loss (unabsorbed capital allowance / business loss / expenses ...)
  • Permitted expenses
  • Preceding year basis (applicable for Labuan offshore companies)
  • Prescribed establishment & Prescribed services
  • Principle of Mutuality
  • Promoted areas
  • Promoted activity / promoted products
  • Progress payment method
  • Percentage of completion method
  • Pioneer period / tax relief period
  • Pioneer (business) loss

  • Qualifying Project (for RA)

  • Real property
  • Real property company
  • Receivable basis
  • Relatives
  • Remittance basis
  • Residual expenditure / 'tax written down value)
  • Revocable settlement

  • Special classes of income
  • Special purpose asset
  • Stock in trade (definition & basis of valuation)

  • Tax avoidance / tax evasion
  • Tax credit under s110 / bilateral credit / unilateral credit
  • Tax efficient corporate structure & two-tier exempt dividend(s)
  • Tax haven / tax shelter
  • Taxable person
  • Taxable goods
  • Tax implications / tax treatments / tax consequences
  • Temporary absence
  • Total tangible assets (real property company)
  • Transfer pricing

  • Vehicles of business / means of carrying on a business (sole-trader, partnership or company)

  • Withholding tax(es)
  • Work in progress (trading stock)
  • World income scope / wherever derived basis
  • Wholly and exclusively incurred

  • Thursday, June 09, 2005

    last e-mail on information regarding shu from khai nien

    FINAL email to those departing for UK

    1. For your information, you dun have to do any x-ray nor medical
    checkup prior to your departure to SHU. Medical checkup and x-ray are
    only applicable to those who intent to stay longer than 6 mths or
    those applying for student visa for a period beyond 6 mths. The batch
    of Engineering students who arrived in UK earlier last week updated me
    that the imigration officer in UK didn't ask them on any medical
    checkup documents nor their health condition. So, DON'T WORRY!

    2. Regarding your accommodation matter, those travelling in Turkish
    Airlines, please kindly email me the list of your preferred housemates
    by 15th June, 2005 if you all need my assistance to do the arrangement
    prior to your arrival. Make it a 4 to 8 persons group. As for those
    travelling in MAS Airlines, I will pass down a list in the airport or
    on the flight for you all to write down your preferred housemates.
    However, kindly discuss among yourselves before hand so that
    everything could be done in the most efficient manner. If you prefer
    to email me your list earlier, you are welcome to do so by 15th June.

    3. The PC in SHU library doesn't allow you to download anything from
    the web. However, for those who are concerned on whether is there MSN
    Messenger in those PC, good news is that those PC in Liverpool John
    Moore University has MSN Messenger in it according to those
    Engineering students. But, I am not sure about those in SHU. As for
    those who would like to use Skype to do internet call, as i have said
    you are not allow to download anything, and it is very unlikely that
    those PCs there have Skype program. Furthermore, those PCs in SHU are
    not equiped with headphone and microphone. Anyone who might use both
    the stuff, kindly bring along yours.

    4. As for those who would like to purchase 2nd hand stuff, there is a
    Sunday 2nd hand selling market in Sheffield whereby you may do so. The
    Student Service Department in SHU will guide us to the whereabout of
    this market. So, you may visit this market on Sunday after you have
    settled down.

    5. According to the batch of Engineering students who reached
    Liverpool last week, the weather there is a bit cold at the moment,
    imagine it as like Genting Highlands especially during the night. So,
    do bring along your jacket, sweater and windbreaker (may use it at
    nite). Everyone of you including guys please do bring along lotion and
    lip gross too as it is dry and cold in UK. If possible, do bring along
    some instant mee and Milo too. You can't buy Milo in UK, the closest
    substitute is choco drinks. Garlic and onion are very expensive in UK,
    so if you need it do bring more. Bring some medicine for fever, flu,
    cough and diarhea (in case you can't get use to the food there). Some
    items' price list, Engineering students who got there last week
    updated me are as follow : 2nd hand cooking pan - GBP5; Pasta -
    GBP0.33; Slice Bread per loaf - GBP0.40. You may bring along rice
    cooker and other electrical equipment if you want. Many of the
    students who went to JMU brought rice cooker along. However, beware of
    excess baggage on your return trip.

    6. Finally, when you reached UK, if the immigration officer asks you
    your objective of coming to UK, juz say firmly that you are here to
    STUDY and EUROPE TOUR after your studies. Don't ever say 'may be i
    might do this or that.....'. Be firm pls to avoid any unneccessary
    trouble. And both STA Travel and MSL Travel have submitted the
    students' namelist who are travelling under them. So, SHU will
    certainly arrange transportation for all of us from Manchester Airport
    to SHU upon our arrival.

    Any queries, do email me real soon. Last date for me to check my email
    is on 15 June before departing for UK on the 17th. After that, you all may reach me at my hp. 0174799892. Good luck and God bless to those taking core papers next week! See ya in the airport and UK!! Bon Voyage....

    Khai Nien

    Wednesday, June 08, 2005

    date and subject for the internal resits

    a quick summary for date and subject for the internal resits
    20/6(mon) - SBPD (am)and ACR (pm)
    21/6(tue) - AAS and PMT (am), BIM and ATax (pm)
    22/6(wed) - SFM (am)
    venue :L1 (should be the reading room above canteen two.)
    you can refer back to SBS office for more information.

    *sorry that the time for sbpd and acr has been misplaced previously.
    now already corrected.

    Wednesday, June 01, 2005

    mr chong's internal resit revision class

    tomorrow 2 june mr chong would have his internal revision class for those who resit the internal tax paper.
    venue: R201
    time: 2.00-5.00 PM.