~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Motivation Quote~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~Sometimes it takes a lot of rain before you get your rainbow!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just FOcus On The Key Topics That You Know And Ignore What You Don't!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The glory is not in never failing but in rising again everytime you fall!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YOU MAKE THE FAILURE COMPLETE WHEN YOU STOP TRYING!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thursday, May 04, 2006

ACCA FTC Exam Tips June 06 Part 3

3.1 INT and GBR
Q1. Risk assessment, risk management and audit strategy.
Q2. Assurance services - prospective financial information, or reporting on non-financial information.
Q3. Matters and evidence - 3 scenarios.
Q4. Audit reporting - Opening balances and Comparatives.
Q5. Professional and ethical matters / practice management.
Q6. Current issues.

Contribution based decision-making
Practical aspects of pricing policy
Performance evaluation – ROI and RI
The learning effect
The strategic framework – specifically a question based around the examiner’s recent article on “Business Strategy and Performance Models” (Student Accountant – April 2006)

SWOT analysis – ability to determine the issues which affect the business using and internal and external focus

MacFarlan/Peppard’s Strategic grid – possible application to a case study with the comparison of competing projects

Lewins Model – application of how an organisation can manage change using an unfreeze, change and refreeze approach

Intranet – development of a system to support internal operations

Business and IS/IT alignment

BPR and the implications of changing business operations

E-commerce – development of web sites and their impact on both business and individual customer usage

Corporate governance issues

3.6 IAS
Section A
This compulsory question will be on the preparation of consolidated accounts.
The preparation of a group income statement is due, as is the translation of foreign
subsidiaries and cash flow statements!
Section B
Share based payments
Revenue Recognition
Financial instruments.
International issues
Reporting of non financial performance e.g. Corporate Social Responsibility,
sustainability reporting

Section A:

Overseas NPV: Ability to perform a basic overseas NPV/FCF calculation. Including one off cash flows, annuities and perpetuity calculations and the knowledge of the specific issues that relate to foreign direct investment.
Risk management: Currency Risk / Interest rate risk
Company Valuation within the context of Merger and Acquisitions: A possible question that requires a valuation under various methods like NAV, DVM, P/E Ratio and FCFs. (maybe within the context of Going Private.) Also review the share for share exchange style questions.

Section B:

Economic Value Added – EVA
Dividend Policy
Portfolio Theory and CAPM - summary and alpha tables
International economics – I.M.F., Treasury Management. Balance of payments deficits.


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