Paper 3.3
Miss Karen wants to inform that she would most probably have a revision class by the end of this month but she want us to finished the past year question for the june 04 paper first so that we would not be blank when we go there lo.she would like us to bring her paper as well as the june 04 acca paper during the revision class.
and to all taking pmt start doing your past year question for the second round lo!
thanks.... tee chong....
with u here...we all AFA will never short of information...
oh do u know when the ACCA student magazine will reach TARC ?? i have go to TARC so many times also didnt get yet....
haha... dun worry la...
i'll post it on the blog to inform everyone about the magazine when i arrives la...
i'll go to check everyday, since i'm studying in the library.. hardworking....
so u know when wa can get the Student magazine ar ?
should be within this few days.
cos my friend from outside the college already received the student accountant.
i'll be goin back to college to check 2moro...
if it is there, i'll post it on the blog la..
tee chong.. can u please confirm with ms.karen which date is it? cause i now in penang. i need to plan my time going back to kl. thanks!
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