~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Motivation Quote~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~Sometimes it takes a lot of rain before you get your rainbow!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just FOcus On The Key Topics That You Know And Ignore What You Don't!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The glory is not in never failing but in rising again everytime you fall!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YOU MAKE THE FAILURE COMPLETE WHEN YOU STOP TRYING!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thursday, November 25, 2004

tax 3.2 (mys) tips 'updated'

alan yeo

  1. labuan
  2. trust
  3. estate
  4. export - MITC
  5. personal , individual
  6. admin- record, return, payment
  7. RPC, para 17, Basic period

Choong Kwai Fatt

Allowance for increase export - MITC, Manufacturing co + Agriculture, Service Sector
Acquisition of foreign owned company
Acquisition of proprietary rights
Agriculture company - Schedule 4C and deduction for cost of Investment
Cost of developing websire and approved offshore trading

Personal finance
Joint assessment with partnership
Islamic finance
Resident status, 60 days test
business venture
self assessment
adventure in the nature of trade

double taxation agreement + withholding tax

Imputation system
Investment holding company, unit trust, close end fund
dividend payment planning
asset acquisition planning
derivation of business income
tax planning for overseas sales
controlled transfer
interest expense

Co-op , charitable institution, Club

Tax admin
tax evasion tax avoidance
anti tax avoidance

para 12
para 3 (b)
para 17

reinvestment allowance
incentive discussion

FTMS lecturer (Siva Nair).
just use it as reference.

1.RA + MITC (sure coming out)
2.Labuan (spotted by all lecturers...high possibility)
3.Joint Assessment /Separate Assessment (spotted by kwai fatt also)
4.RPGT (according to FTMS lecturer,he said cant depends on the past analysis to determine whether examiner will set RPGT questions or not..also must prepare for the RPGT questions)
5.trust (long time no come out)
6.Property Developer


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