~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Motivation Quote~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~Sometimes it takes a lot of rain before you get your rainbow!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just FOcus On The Key Topics That You Know And Ignore What You Don't!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The glory is not in never failing but in rising again everytime you fall!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YOU MAKE THE FAILURE COMPLETE WHEN YOU STOP TRYING!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monday, December 20, 2004

you would have to place your order for the acca study manual:-
paper 3.5 (optional)
paper 3.6 (compulsory) ftc study text.
price RM 70 for study text only and RM110 for the study text and if you can get the book cheaper and faster anywhere by all means go ahead.
you need to place your order with your class rep latest by tomorrow (21/12)
paper 3.7 bpp study manual
because is a compulsory text book used by the lecture since he is not giving any notes to us.
the price of the book should be as same as the previous year. but the price are yet to be confirmed.


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