exam guidance from BPP ~ paper 3.6 (Int)
ACCA Paper 3.6 Advanced Corporate ReportingDecember 2005
Section A
The section A question can be on any of the traditional higher-level group accounting topics that are not examinable in paper 2.5. Complex group structures, disposals of subsidiaries or a foreign subsidiary appear to be the most likely topics for this sitting.
The question often includes an adjustment for 4 or 5 marks on another area such as pensions.
X Group, Wright, XY and AG*
Section B
Section B questions tend to range over a number of topics and may include:
International reconciliations, the continuing attempts to bring about international harmonisation and the effect on a company's accounts of applying IFRS. IFRS 1 on First-time Adoption of IFRS has already been examined but could reappear due to its topicality.
Mixed questions can include a wide range of new and longer-established areas of accounting. Issues relating to recognition and impairment of tangible and intangible assets have been a recurring theme along with provisions, deferred tax and retirement benefits.
Accounting for financial instruments could be tested
Performance and valuation measures and how these are affected by accounting policies often appear in the ACR exam.
Impairment of assets, Finaleyes, Retirement Benefits, Vacs, Low Paints (Q2 within Mock Exam 2 in the UK kit), AX (INT kit only), Pailing (INT kit only), Inventure (INT kit only), FRS 26* (UK only), Stateside (UK kit only), Desolve (UK kit only), Q3 Mock Exam 2 (Cohort)
A discussion question looking at current developments in corporate reporting. Social and environmental reporting can appear here as well as business ethics, and reporting on the internet.
Glowball, Mineral
Relevant articles
Useful articles
IAS 39, 17 May 2005
IAS 39 19 May 2005
First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards, 4 January 2005
Improving standards, 23 July 2004
Look out for other articles on the website in the months leading up to the exam.
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